Staking A Future Philosophy

Driving Measurable Impact Across the 17+1 Collection


The Stake A Future program is built on a philosophy of creating measurable impact across 18 key issues, defined as the 17+1 collection. While 17 of these goals align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have added an additional goal focusing on First Nations Values, creating a holistic and inclusive framework. This program emphasizes a phased approach to tackling global challenges through research, innovation, and scaling solutions.

The 17+1 Collection

Our 17+1 collection addresses critical global issues, including poverty, education, clean water, climate action, and the preservation of First Nations cultural heritage. Each goal represents a commitment to making a significant and lasting impact, ensuring that our initiatives are aligned with both global priorities and local needs.

Three Phases of Impact

The Stake A Future program is structured into three distinct phases: Research and Development, Innovation, and Scaling. This multi-year process ensures that each project is meticulously planned, tested, and implemented to achieve sustainable outcomes.

Phase 1: Research and Development

  • Objective: To identify and understand key challenges through evidence-based research.

  • Approach: Collaborate with research institutions and experts to explore new solutions that have not yet been thoroughly investigated.

  • Outcome: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenge, backed by rigorous research and data.

Phase 2: Innovation

  • Objective: To build and test new hypotheses developed in the Research and Development phase.

  • Approach: Invite startups and charities to implement innovative solutions and pilot projects that address the identified challenges.

  • Outcome: Validate and refine solutions through real-world testing and gather insights to inform scaling efforts.

Phase 3: Scaling

  • Objective: To expand successful solutions to a broader audience and achieve significant impact.

  • Approach: Organize and mobilize community resources to support the widespread adoption of proven innovations.

  • Outcome: Implement scalable solutions that drive measurable impact across the 17+1 goals, ensuring long-term sustainability and effectiveness.

Community-Driven Process

Each stage of the Stake A Future program is carefully organized and supported by our community. ChangeMakers NFT holders play a pivotal role in guiding and funding projects, ensuring that the initiatives align with our collective vision and values. This community-driven approach fosters collaboration, accountability, and shared ownership of the outcomes.


The Stake A Future program embodies Kabuni’s commitment to driving meaningful change through a structured, evidence-based approach. By focusing on research, innovation, and scaling, we ensure that each project within the 17+1 collection is thoroughly developed and implemented to maximize its impact. This philosophy not only advances the Sustainable Development Goals but also empowers our community to be active participants in shaping a better future. Together, we are building a world where every human being can realize their design potential and contribute to global progress.

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